Bitlife Longevity
How long your character can live inside the game, this thing is called Longevity. The long and healthy life of the character in the game cannot be lived only by luck. When luck plays its part, the key lies in smart choices that boost your character’s health, happiness, and overall well-being.
The character in an average age-appropriate game ranges in age from 80 to 75. But you can push that limit considerably. If you make good decisions for your character and luck accompanies you, the role of the game can live to a considerably older age. If looked the other way, some people have longer-lived genes. If you want to know about your character’s genes, go to the doctor’s menu. Checks can choose DNA to conduct a DNA test of their character. Whenever you select the character’s parents, select those who are older.
Your character needs to stay healthy in the game. Health is paramount so choose a good and Mediterranean Diet filled with fruits and vegetables. Join Regular Gym visits and walks to keep your character physically and mindfully fit. Run because exercise is the secret to a person’s healthy life. Ensure that your Doctor’s checkups are important in any issues.
Don’t let stress be heavy on top of your character to live a good life try to keep him calm.
Make your character’s positive relationships with family and friends. Spend time on hobbies you enjoy, like reading books or joining martial arts training. Manage the stress of your character through meditation and avoid bad habits like drugs, smoking, etc. The role of making friends Give it a chance. A little effort and judiciously taken decisions to help the bitlife character of up live a long happy life. But the God version of bitlife Mode APK allows you to use what you can to control your character’s health and happiness, making it easier for the character to live longer. If you want more control over your character’s health, the God Mode APK unlocks additional options.
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