How to Complete Dog House Challenge BitLife?

Are you fond of spending time with dogs? Learn how to complete BitLife’s Dog House Challenge!
In Batlife you are given a challenge, which as the name itself suggests is something special for dog lovers! In this Challenge, you not only have to adopt dogs but also prove how creative and responsible you are by naming them in a unique way. Let’s see, how you can complete this challenge.

dog house challenge

Understanding this Challenge

Difficulty: Easy


  • Start a first-generation life.
  • Own 26 alive dogs from the shelter.
  • Start each Dog’s name with a different letter of the alphabet.

Start a First-Generation Life

Did you know that your first step into BitLife can be the key to your success? In this challenge, you have to start a life with no family inheritance or property. This will be your first chance to start life with a new character.

Adopt 26 Live Dogs from an Animal Shelter

Did you know that your first step into BitLife can be the key to your success? In this challenge, you have to start a life with no family inheritance or property. This will be your first chance to start life with a new character.

Name each dog with a different letter

Are you an expert at naming dogs? You have to name 26 dogs starting with each letter of the alphabet. This means that the first dog starts with “A”, the second with “B”, and so on. Can you complete this challenge?

Start each Dog’s name with a different letter of the alphabet

Here are some names that you can use for your pet. 

Friendly NamesUnique NamesMovie/TV NameMythology Name

Success Tips and Tricks

Prioritize dogs’ health: If you want all dogs to live, make their health the highest priority. Protect them from diseases and get them vaccinated on time.

Be creative with naming: Each dog’s name should be unique, so think of a name in advance so you don’t reuse any letters.


This game bitlife is now available on iOS devices. If you are interested and want to play this game on your iPhone or iPad you can download this game from the official app store.


After completeing the task this dog house challenge end.

What does getting out of the dog house mean?
A house full of dogs.

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