How to Complete the Problem Child Challenge in BitLife

Have you ever wondered how to live a life without full control in Bitlife? In the Problem Child Challenge bitlife, you will face exactly the same kind of situation. This challenge is for players who want to make their character defiant by doing naughty things and unusual activities in the daily life of Batlife.
The purpose of this challenge is to make your character permanently mischievous and uncontrollable, which goes against the game’s morals. You have to make your character’s life full of rebellion and unwanted acts against parents and teachers.

bitlife problem child challenge

Understanding the Problem Child Challenge

Difficulty: Medium


  • Insult 5+ classmates while in primary school
  • Be suspended from primary School
  • Be expelled from secondary school
  • Have a 0% relationship with a parent
  • Break out of juvie
Insult 5+ ClassmatesInsult five or more classmates in elementary school.
Getting suspended from primary schoolGet suspended for misbehavior and disobedience.
Getting kicked out of secondary schoolGet kicked out of school for bad behavior.
0% Relationships to ParentsDestroy the relationship with one of the parents to reach 0%.
Junior JailbreakFind ways to escape from the youth prison.

Insult 5+ classmates while in primary school

During elementary school, you must have insulted five or more classmates. To do this, you have to use the “Insult” option.

Be suspended from primary school

In primary school, you have to be rude or disobedient to get suspended from school.

Getting kicked out of secondary school

In secondary school, you have to behave so badly that the school kicked out you.

Have a 0% relationship with a parent

You have to deteriorate your relationship with one of your parents enough to reach 0%.

Break out of juvie

When your character is imprisoned in a juvenile prison (juvie) you have to escape from there.

For more information about BitLife Mod APK and Warrior Girl Challenge in Bitlife.


You must complete rebellious tasks like insulting classmates, being suspended, and breaking out of juvie.

What is the concept of the problem child?
It involves portraying a rebellious and unruly child who consistently defies authority.

What is problem child in psychology?
A problem child in psychology refers to a child exhibiting persistent behavioral issues and defiance toward authority.

How to get suspended from school bitlife?
Engage in bad behavior like insulting teachers, skipping classes, or getting into fights.

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