How to Complete the Eager Beaver Challenge in BitLife

Have you ever thought of a point in life where you can share love and share your wealth? Eager Beaver Challenge bitlife gives you the chance to do it all! In it, you have to meet 20 people, buy several expensive properties, and become a part of the adult film industry. So are you ready? Come on, we know the easiest way to complete this challenge!

bitlife eager beaver challenge

Understanding the Eager Beaver Challenge

Difficulty: Medium


  • Be born a female in Los Angeles
  • Become an adult film star
  • Sleep with 10+ men
  • Sleep with 10+ women
  • Purchase 5+ homes worth $2M+
Born in Los AngelesCreate a female character and select the city of Los Angeles
Become an Adult Film StarJoin the adult film industry at the age of 18
Sleeping with 10+ MenHave fun with men with the Hook Up option
Sleeping with 10+ WomenHave fun with women with Hook Up option
5 Properties Over $2,000,000Buy 5 Expensive Properties Over $2,000,000

The five goals of the Eager Beaver Challenge

In this challenge you have to complete five steps:

Born a woman in Los Angeles

First, you have to create your character in Los Angeles. Your country must be the United States and the city must be Los Angeles. This start is very important because you have to be born in a certain city.

If you keep your character’s looks stat high, your path forward may be easier. Increasing Looks isn’t difficult, but if you start at 80% or higher, you won’t have to work as hard later on.

Become an adult movie star

When your character turns 18, it’s time to join the adult film industry. For that, go to the full-time job listings and see if the adult film studio title is there. This particular job title should be yours, as other acting jobs will not work for this job.

If this job doesn’t appear immediately, you can close and reopen the BitLife app or go a few more years and then check the list. If you get cameraperson or writer jobs, take them too so that it is easy for you to get listed in the relevant careers.

Sleeping with 10 men and 10 women

The next two stages are relatively easy, as they only have 10 men and 10 women to play with. For this, go to Activities, select Love, and then click Hook Up and agree to meet up to 10 people. You have to meet a total of 20 people, so you may need to change your character’s sexuality through the Identity menu.

Purchased 5 properties over $2,000,000

The final stage of the challenge is for you to purchase five properties that are each worth more than $2,000,000. For this, go to the Assets and Shopping menu and look at the available real estate brokers. If you can afford the $2,000,000 properties, you can buy them immediately.

If you are not able to buy them now, there are several ways to earn money in BitLife. Besides getting high-paying jobs, you can marry a rich person, earn money by committing crimes, or flipping small properties. The best strategy for you would be to become famous and commercialize and earn money through social media.

For more information about BitLife Mod Apk & the expresso challenge in Bitlife.


To be born in Los Angeles in BitLife, create a female character and select Los Angeles as your birthplace.

To become an adult movie star in BitLife, turn 18 and find a job labeled as “adult film studio” in the full-time job list.

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